Dimensions of Success for Middle Grades Learning Engineering and Science

Professional Learning Opportunities

Do you want to become certified to observe grade 5 to 8 science and engineering classrooms using a strengths-based, educator- and evidence-informed observation system?

Through October 2025, ISRY is offering FREE, online, interactive, professional learning on the Dimensions of Success for Middle Grades Learning Engineering and Science (DoS-MiddLES) framework and observation system, supported with funding from the National Science Foundation (Award #2101554).

With our Certification-Based Training, you will develop new skills in conducting classroom observations, earn a certificate for up to 20 hours of professional learning, and receive $50 for your feedback about your learning experience.

Looking for a shorter commitment? Our Reflection- and Discussion-Based options provide a 2-hour certificate and foundational knowledge in how DoS-MiddLES integrates the Framework for K-12 Science Education and resilience and thriving skills to promote access to higher-quality science and engineering learning experiences for all students.

Learn with us!

  • *Held on ISRY's online learning platform (self-paced) and on Zoom (live) during Summer 2025 (12-18 hours) 

    Cohort 1

    • Pre-Training Virtual Learning Available: June 16

    • Interactive Online Training Session: June 24, 10am-4pm ET

    • Calibration Discussion (attend 1): July 15, 10-11am or July 16, 3-4pm ET 

    • Certification Observations Due: August 15

    Cohort 2

    • Pre-Training Virtual Learning Available: July 7

    • Interactive Online Training Session: July 17, 10am-4pm ET

    • Calibration Discussion (attend 1): August 5, 3-4pm or August 6, 10-11am ET

    • Certification Observations Due: September 12

    *You will receive a copy of the DoS-MiddLES observation tool and learn how to conduct standardized classroom observations using the DoS-MiddLES system. You will also have the option to complete additional exercises to become a certified observer and receive $50 for sharing feedback about your experience.

  • *Self-paced, 6-module online learning series (20-minutes per module) with example classroom videos and self-reflection prompts:

    • Developing a Common Language for Quality

    • Thinking & Learning in MiddLES classrooms

    • Planning & Adapting in MiddLES classrooms

    • Including & Engaging in MiddLES classrooms

    • Connecting & Thriving in MiddLES classrooms

    • Putting Knowledge into Action

    *Modules are held on ISRY's online learning platform; you can pause or continue your learning on your own time.

    *You will reflect on areas of strength and growth in middle grade science and engineering classrooms, through the lens of the DoS-MiddLES 12 dimensions of quality.

  • *Live, interactive discussions with groups of 10-15 educators (1 session, up to 2 hours)

    *1 more session will be held on Zoom and facilitated by ISRY during the 2024-2025 school year:

    • Connecting & Thriving in MiddLES classrooms (Thurs, April 10, 2025; 3-4:30pm ET)

    • Including & Engaging in MiddLES classrooms (Thurs, February 20, 2025; 6-7:30pm ET)

    • Planning & Adapting in MiddLES classrooms (Tues, November 19, 2024; 3-4:30pm ET)

    • Thinking & Learning in MiddLES classrooms (Weds, August 28, 2024; 12-1:30pm ET)

    *You will have conversations about what quality learning experiences can look and sound like in middle grade science and engineering classrooms, through the lens of the DoS-MiddLES framework.

What educators have to say about the DoS-MiddLES

About the DoS-MiddLES

The Dimensions of Success for Middle Grades Learning Engineering and Science (DoS-MiddLES) project aims to create and implement a sustainable and scalable classroom observation and feedback system for grade 5 to 8 science and engineering classrooms, based on the existing DoS tool initially established for informal science learning settings under National Science Foundation Award #1008591.

The NEW DoS-MiddLES will align with evidence-based standards for science and engineering; integrate aspects of resilience and thriving skills for all students; and provide educators with actionable strategies for continuous learning and growth.

Extending the DoS framework to middle schools will support and advance educational practice, enhance research and evaluation infrastructure, and improve the science and engineering education fields. By promoting higher-quality science and engineering learning for all students inside and outside of school, the expanded DoS framework will strengthen efforts across sectors and help communities provide the inspiration, knowledge, and skills youth need to thrive in the workforce and in life.

Selected Publications on the DoS System

Shah, A. M., Wylie, C., Gitomer, D., & Noam, G. (2018). Improving STEM program quality in out‐of‐school‐time: Tool development and validation. Science Education, 102(2), 238-259.

Allen, P. J., Chang, R., Gorrall, B. K., Waggenspack, L., Fukuda, E., Little, T. D., & Noam, G. G. (2019). From quality to outcomes: A national study of afterschool STEM programming. International Journal of STEM Education, 6, 1-21.

Andrews, V., Oliveira, V., Allen, P. J., Gitomer, D. H., & Noam, G. G. (2023). Reflecting on STEM Classroom Experiences: The Power of an Observation Tool with an Integrated STEM/SED Lens. Connected Science Learning, 5(3), 12288876.